Enjoying sparkling wine on festive occasions brings people together all over the world. Hardly any other beverage manages to combine high cultural values and emotional moments. The German sparkling wine landscape offers an incomparable variety of products and quality for every taste and occasion. Whether traditional brand or new creation, our sparkling wine cellars bring high-quality products to life all over the world. It is therefore no wonder that Germany has the largest sparkling wine market in the world and the one with the highest sales.
Drinking sparkling wine at special or everyday encounters, successful project completions, victors' joys or in convivial gatherings has been firmly anchored in our attitude to life for decades. As an industry, we are proud of the fact that sparkling wine is held in high esteem both at home and abroad, thus contributing to the protection of actively lived winegrowing culture.
Enjoying sparkling wine always has something to do with the right measure. Only in this way can we intensively experience the quality of an alcoholic beverage and appreciate the associated experience. Conscious and responsible use of alcoholic beverages is a conscientious task and requires knowledge of the effects of alcohol, healthy lifestyle habits, and a low-risk environment for abusive alcohol consumption.
German sparkling wine producers are aware of their social responsibility. They exclusively promote the responsible consumption of their products and reject any form of abusive alcohol consumption. The members of the Association of German Sparkling Wineries (Verband Deutscher Sektkellereien e.V. - VDS) agree that certain life situations require a conscious abstention from alcoholic beverages in order not to endanger one's own health or the health of others. There must be no compromises in road traffic, during pregnancy, at work, during sports or when taking medication, and for younger age groups.
Together with its partner association, the Bundesverband Wein und Spirituosen International e.V., the VDS takes a clear stance on central issues related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages: