

… apply in the European Union to the production and definition of Sekt (Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the Council as well as the rules for implementation of the Commission Regulations (EC) No 606/2009 and (EU) 2019/33 and 2019/34). They regulate oenological processes as well as minimum alcohol content and key criteria for product quality. In addition, the label needs to contain the product name, the manufacturer, the flavour, the nominal volume and the alcohol content.holgehalt angegeben werden.

Sparkling wine presentation

… refers to the appearance of the Sekt bottle and is protected by law in the EU. It comprises a mushroom-shaped stopper made from cork or another material authorised for contact with foods, with holding device and possibly covered with a metal sheet. A foil covers the stopper entirely and all or part of the bottleneck. Producers may dispense with the foil as part of the presentation, provided they otherwise ensure that there is no safety risk from its absence. A second suitable closure (screw top) is also permitted for bottles with a nominal volume up to 0.2 litres.


… or liqueur d’expedition, is added following the second fermentation process. It plays a key role in the degree of sweetness and thus the flavour of the Sekt later on.

  • brut nature under 3 g sugar / litre
  • extra brut 0 – 6 g sugar / litre
  • brut less than 12 g sugar / litre
  • extra dry 12 – 17 g sugar / litre
  • dry, sec 17 – 32 g sugar / litre
  • medium dry, demi sec 32 – 50 g sugar / litre
  • doux mehr als 50 g sugar / litre

The Sekt tax

… was introduced in 1902 to finance Kaiser Wilhelm II’s war fleet. While the fleet is long gone, the Sekt tax is still there and is now €1.02 per 1/1 bottle (0.75 l).

Wine in Moderation Don't drink and drive
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